
Tuesday, 26 August 2014

20 things I've learnt before turning 20

Since I am turning the big 20 next month I thought I'd write a little blog on just some of the things I've learnt since my 20 years!                           


1) TRAVEL!! I knew as soon as I thought about the idea of writing this blog piece that this would be number one! I've been lucky enough to have visited Spain, Portugal, London, Ireland, Paris and Madrid already! And really as clique as it sounds travelling (especially alone) gives you an amazing sense of accomplishment and responsibility. Even the bad experiences like showing up in Madrid airport with no address or internet to find out where we where supposed to be staying or getting lost in the street of Madrid, will always give you that life experience that you didn't have before. Seriously you wouldn't regret the memories you'd make. 

2) Have fun with fashion! Whether it's the Barry M glitter eye shadow stage or the bell skirt and berrie to school, I might have not looked all that amazing but felt it! 

3) Make time for you, stop trying to please everyone else because tbh it's not your job to make sure everyone's happy just you worry about you! 

4) Mums do usually know best, even when you are 15 and begging her for money to buy the neon pink tutu fro Hellfire to wear to the Cathouse under's on a Saturday night...in hignsight she was 100% to say no! 

5) Crying is okay! Sometimes it really does help! Go pour yourself a glass of wine, draw a bubble bath and put on a soppy movie on netflixs it will make you feel 1 million times better! 

6) Daily planners (diaries) are great things! I'd be lost without mine, seriously a god send. 

7) Being in a serious relationship at a 'young' age isn't a bad thing! There seems to be some sort of taboo on young relationships and commitment, just count yourself lucky that you have found the right guy sooner rather than later! 

8) I am going to hate this but..save money! Having a little money behind you does open so many doors and knowing that SAAS (student loans) is not a personal clothing allowance for your first year at uni should stand you on good sted! 

9) Don't work too hard (that's easy for me to say) yeh having a part time job + uni is great it makes those night outs even sweeter when you don't feel like vomiting every time you drunkenly offer to pay for a round. But having days where you can just get on a train and go anywhere or lay in bed all day and watch say yes to the dress is great too! 

10) Take as many pictures as you possibly can! And print them out, buy some cute frames and hang them everywhere! There is something amazing about being able to hold on to your memories and not just stare at them through a screen. 

11) It's only hair! Whether it's blonde or brown, short or long it will grow back! Have fun with it..all I'll say is that thank god I didn't have pintrest of it could have been a lot crazier! 

12) Fuel smoothies are sent by angels for us to enjoy in giant polistirine cups. Drink them all the frickin time. 

13) Invest in a good make up collection. I mean it's a win win for everybody...except the bank! Over that last few years learning how to do a good smokey eye and shape my brows properly is super important, I mean it's stuff I can totally pass onto my kids yeno! 

14) Losing friends sucks but the best will always come back. People grow apart and that's normal but you know when you make a friendship that totally last the test of time that they are there for you no matter what. Also growing up and experiencing new things gives you the chance to make amazing new friends that totally mean the world to you and you will cherish that. 

15) Love your body (I'm still struggling with that one) it's what you've got but learn how to dress it! Knowing your shape and what suits you will help you thought your entire life! 

16)After a night out drink a pint of freezing water and eat a banana before bed...it takes the edge off the hangover, just a little. 

17) Wear black, it always looks chic and flatters every shape and size. 

18) Never keep problems or worries to yourself ALWAYS tell someone! No matter how scary or bad you think it is it's always 100% better when you just tell someone, then think if you look back on it in a weeks time it's usually never as bad as it first seems. 

19) Ask questions, you'll never know what you could find out. 

20) Always smile. 

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

My Parisian Style Diary

Hey guys, finally got a chance to grab my boyfriends computer for a couple of hours to get a few post done about my amazing trips over this summer. As you guys already know I was super fortunate enough to have spent 3 whole weeks in Madrid. But I also spent 4 days in Paris, France with my amazing boyfriend at the end of July! 

Just thought I'd share some of my looks with you guys...

...I might just actually be an outfit repeater!! But its okay, its holiday clothes, worn in a different country...please tell me its okay!
But i really do adore this outfit from Berska! 

Eeep! My favey Zara silk  Moroccan style dress, looked amazing on the Eiffel Tower at night! 

This dress is actually one of my purchases in Manchester from Topshop, as it has an almost two piece design it definitely flatters my body shape atm! (Which I will do a haul of ALL of the amazing things I bought that weekend)

I am so gutted I didn't get a full length shot of this outfit because I LOVED IT! It was my little H&M striped crop top paired with a white midi skirt and nude heels...I will defs be wearing this again!

Lots of Love, 

D x